Incoming Exchange Students
Das Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik in Greifswald heißt internationale Studierende herzlich willkommen. Wir freuen uns, verschiedene Austauschprogramme mit Universitäten weltweit zu unterhalten. Jedes Jahr entscheiden sich internationale Studenten für ein Studium bei uns und stellen eine starke Bereicherung für unsere Einrichtung dar.
Es ist uns wichtig unsere internationalen Studierende zu unterstützen, damit sie ihre Bildungsziele erreichen und ihre Zeit an der Universität Greifswald - in der "sonnigsten Region Deutschlands" - optimal nutzen können.
Wir sind eine kleine, traditionsreiche Universität und unser Knowhow, unsere Erfahrung und das akademische Umfeld ermöglichen es uns, unsere Disziplin auf einer soliden theoretischen Grundlage praxisorientiert zu lehren.
Kurse / Courses
As an Erasmus student, you can theoretically take all courses offered by the department. However, we would encourage you to take seminars in literature, cultural studies or linguistics. We do not recommend you take our language skills (Sprachkompetenz Englisch) courses as they are often challenging and have relatively high fail rate. If you are particularly interested in English language courses, you may want to consider integrated courses offered at the C1 or B2 level as part of the course catalog of the university's Language Centre (Sprachenzentrum). Most course would get you 3 ECTS.
In preparation of your learning agreement, please note that:
At German universities, two or three courses are combined in so-called "modules". The exam that determines the number of ECTS points and the grade relates to the module rather than the individual courses. For the information on the credits for the modules, please check the studying regulations (PDF) of our department. The document is only available in German. You can use translation services to read it if needed.
If you are not doing an entire module but just one out of it, the general guidelines are:
- Language skills courses: 3 ECTS = one course + one part of the module exam
- Foundation courses and lectures: 3 ECTS = one course + course exam
- Seminars: 5 - 10 ECTS (depending on the length of the course essay, upon agreement with the lecturer) = one course + course essay
You can find an overview of the courses offered at our department under this in the course catalogue (Vorlesungsverzeichnis), in which you can check the type of courses (foundation courses, lectures, seminars, and language skill courses).
Fachkoordinator des IfAA für ERASMUS+
Herr Yunong Li
Allgemeine Beratung:
International Office