Nordamerikafreunde Greifswald e.V.
Nordamerikafreunde Greifswald e.V. has been active since it was founded in 1992. The members meet on a regular, monthly basis and arrange presentations on topics related to North America.
Newport News has been a sister town of Greifswald since 2007. As part of the partnership, employees, pupils and students from both towns take part in alternating annual visits.
Public Presentations
3rd April “Pre-Clovis: Earliest Settlement of America” presentation by Gunnar Möller (archaeologist from the Hanseatic Town of Stralsund)
15th May “New Indigenous Film in Canada” presentation by Dr. habil. Kerstin Knopf (University of Greifswald)
15th June “Defeating All the Dark Forces: Anti-Fascism, Transnationalism, and American Slavs, 1937-1950” presentation by Rachel Batch (Widener University, Chester/PA/USA)
5th March “Top Secret: Secret Organisations and Conspiracy Theories in America” presentation by Dr. Anette Brauer (University of Greifswald)
2nd April “Native American Experts and Myth Destroyers: Tale(s) of a Transatlantic Relationship” presentation by Prof. em. Hartmut Lutz (University of Greifswald)
7th April “Flash Fiction: Snapshot of a Genre“ presentation by Michael Cocchiarale (Widener University, Chester, PA/USA)
26th May Special event: “Coming to Terms with a Child” Henry Beissel, German-Canadian author talked about his life and read from his book.
15th April “Native American Ponytails, Longhairs and Afros: a Hair(y) History of the USA” presentation by Dr. Anette Brauer (University of Greifswald)
6th May “A Lone Goose and Empathy: Teaching in a U.S. Maximum Security Prison” presentation by Prof. Jayne Thompson (Widener University, Chester, PA / USA)
7th October “The Hollywood-Western after 9/11” presentation by Dr. M. Holtz (University of Greifswald)
6th April “Humans by Hagenbeck: Abraham Ulrikab at the Zoo” presentation by Prof. em. Hartmut Lutz (University of Greifswald)
8th June “American ‘Exceptionalism’ and the Rise of Donald Trump” presentation by Prof. John Serembus (Widener University, Chester, PA/USA)